“Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.” – Buddha
This quote by Buddha perfectly captures the essence of the AOYL Facilitator program. Each of us has the power within to become the change and eventually spread the change around.
If you have participated in AOYL program and workshop, and now are driven by your own positive results and personal motivation to share the experience with people in your community, then here’s your chance to become an AOYL Facilitator. As AOYL Facilitator, you’ll be spreading the same feelings of inner peace and contentment that you had received in the first place at the time of your participation.
All you need to do is make a small financial commitment to the work of AOYL. In exchange for your small donation, you will receive a comprehensive study guide will all the information you’ll need to start setting up AOYL workshops independently. The study guide will help you set up the base infrastructure for your AOYL workshops, while also directing you on how to maintain the integrity of the AOYL premise and goals.
The guide covers the following elements:
- The basic principles of AOYL program and workshops.
- How to get the AOYL workshops going in your area.
- How to take a leadership role in bringing the concept of AOYL to life in your area.
- How to create your own safe support group that has all the tools to help group members either in processing and/or get help in processing issues that are hindering them from having a full life experience and to enable group members in enjoying the riches of an unfettered life.
- How to create a support infrastructure that will continue to be there for people to draw help from.
- A road map, a structure and a methodology that ensures workshop sustainability over the years.
- How to plant the seeds of sharing within your workshop group and follow the workshop guidelines in doing so.
By becoming AOYL facilitator, you can assume the role of AOYL program leader in your area and share the wealth that you’ve personally received from AOYL with others. The study guide will teach you everything: what to do, why to do, and how to do.
As AOYL program leader, you can make a difference in the lives of people around you, the knowledge of which is going to be immensely gratifying for yourself.
Become the instrument of positive change by committing yourself as AOYL facilitator.