Here are some interesting writing ideas that you may want to try on your own to start experiencing the power of the pen and its influence on your life right away.
Make a List
Have you ever made a list of the qualities you admire in others, or find attractive in someone special?
Making “List” helps in getting to what you want. This process is used in the AOYL workshops and in AOYL workbook-workshop guide.
Write 100 things about both cases, don’t analyze too much, just write them out.
Another list that you can work upon is related to what you have in your mind’s eye (dream, thoughts, etc.), about what you would be doing if you found the right person, the perfect person. Where would you be? What would you be doing? Do a list of 100 thoughts you have about these questions.
The power is in writing these things out, jotting them down. Put them in a spiral notebook, or if you want to spend some bucks, get a nice book for journaling in, the bound type that may have a little lock and key, so to keep it private. Journaling is such a powerful tool, and if you just have a thought from time to time about anything noteworthy to a seemingly insight to your clarity, in whats, needs, desires; jot them down, right then, or write them on a piece of scratch paper and write it into your journal at a later time, just to keep these thoughts alive. As too often, the passing thoughts are forgotten until our buttons are pushed, or we are in a mind-space to be open to these thought formulations. “Formulations” because, thoughts are built on thoughts, and our creative mind works in mysterious ways in pulling things together into a common notion of sorts.
So when you get these moments of introspection, write them down, it gives them empowerment. You will find that it gives you a realm for revisiting, rethinking, and perhaps adding to one of your works list, its fun, and you will find it helpful.
Treasure Mapping
An important exercise in the process of achieving clarity, “treasure mapping” involves cutting pictures out of magazines and gluing them into a collage of things you want, need, desire and the likes. This in its self is a powerful tool, and you can do it on any theme too, try it for the relationship you want, remember its all about you and what you want in this process, make it fun.
There is no right or wrong way to go about this. The paramount issue is to get it out on paper, do not judge and give up on “I could have done it better”. You are the center of your universe which is ever expanding with no boundaries, tap into your infinite power.